¡¡Tráiler 7ª Temporada Winx Club!!

Unknown 17:14

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¡Ese trailer tan esperado y esa transformación tan esperada están aquí!

¿Os acordáis que dijeron que en Navidades del 2014 iban a transmitir los 4 primeros episodios de la 7ª temporada? Pues no lo hicieron... ¿Por qué? No se sabe...

Pero dejémonos de charlas y vámonos a lo que importa:

¡Están realmente preciosas! ¡Me ha encantado todo!

Winx Club Fan, Flora.

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13 de febrero de 2015, 18:40 delete

Si se sabe el porqué, todo fue una malinterpretación acompañada de malas traducciones, uno de los post al respecto que yo recuerdo es de la página http://www.michaelsfavorites2.com/winxclub3/newspage.html y dice así:

" Remember a while back when many sites blindly reported Rainbow was airing 4 season 7 episodes near Christmas time, based solely on a single poorly translated article? Later on evidence was provided that it was Mia and Me that was supposed to air the new episodes. Well its after Christmas and New Years.

My affiliate WinxClubAll @ http://winxcluball.blogspot.com.es/ shared this information and asked a question, "It's been a time I've been wondering about the broadcasting announcement about the 4 episodes of the 7th season in Italy. As you may know the website iltempo (look at the picture of Straffi with the Sirenix Winx, I made it to celebrate Straffi's birthday) http://www.iltempo.it/cultura-spettacoli/cinema/2014/11/08/disney-non-investe-in-italia-e-l-animazione-insorge-danni-per-cinema-e-tv-1.1341324 among other things, did a short interview of Straffi. They clearly say here, in Italian, that Straffi wants to gift us 4 new episodes of Winx Club to RaiGulp. Quote: "conclude Staffi che per Natale regala la nuova serie tv delle Winx in 4 puntate su Rai Gulp." When I heard about it, I asked one of my faithful blog-worker who knows Italian if she could watch the video. She confirmed (you know how the media can manipulate information) that Straffi wanted to make 4 new episodes for Christmas to RaiGulp, that's why I announced it on my blog. Soon after this, Rainbow announced 4 new Mia & Me episodes. Now that Christmas is behind us, we haven't seen that the 4 new episodes of Mia & Me and the Winx Club ones. So, what's going on?"

--- I have not seen any news articles on Winx of Mia and Me on new episodes that aired in December. There is no information at this time as to if anything aired or not aired for a particular reason. "

Y sobre el tráiler, adoro como se ve Tecna, ella nunca me falla con malas transformaciones, pero creo que Bloom le copió a Helio el peinado (de la temporada 2), me ha gustado más el tráiler de la sexta temporada (y los looks), pero si algo he aprendido de Rainbow es que cuando hacen un tráiler que no me acaba de convencer es que va a ser una buena temporada (como la 3 y 4 ), además de eso, las winx deberían de abrir su closet y regresar a su look trendy o school de la temporada 3...

Atte: Derdlim Ahsia

14 de febrero de 2015, 22:40 delete

¡¡Muchísimas gracias por la información!! No sabía eso


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